Spring Has Sprung!! … And So Have The Weeds!!

This time of year, unchecked weeds can have the upper hand on commercial spaces and residential lawns all over the Mid-South. Clover, Dandelion, and Poa Annua… or “WEEDS!” as we all call them, are a major eyesore for business owners, clientele, and homeowners, ruining the aesthetics of an otherwise great looking property.
I cannot tell you how many times I have been called to quote a lawn and landscape maintenance plan to a new client because the previous maintenance company did not make weed control a priority.
But weeds certainly do not have to be an eyesore on properties. A proper lawn and landscape maintenance program includes a turf management program and a flower bed management program to keep turf and beds weed-free throughout the year.
Prevention is worth a pound of cure in weed control. Here in the Mid-South, we have two types of weeds that grow in four seasons. Winter weeds germinate in the fall and grow through winter into spring. Summer weeds germinate in the spring and grow summer into fall. And this time of year they overlap! Quality turf and flower bed management programs stay ahead of the game by controlling weeds before they germinate.
As in most things in life, with weed prevention and control in turf and beds, you get what you pay for. A quality turf management program should have up to seven treatments, spread throughout the year, using high quality herbicides and fertilizer products, applied by trained applicators, at the correct time of year. A quality flower bed management program should include two pre-emergent treatments to control weeds and consistent spot treatment for sporadic weeds. Budgeting for these important services is key.
If weeds have taken over your commercial or residential property, please call David Lawn and Spray. We will put together a year-round lawn and landscape maintenance plan that includes quality turf management and flower bed management programs to keep your property looking great and weed-free throughout the year.